Who’s Really Conscious…
“Choices are the hinges of destiny.” ~Edwin Markham
I’ve brooded over how to start this topic for some time now. What context will be accepted, appreciated, at the right time etc..
In reality, the best time for this conversation is as soon as the issue has been realized.
As I have gone through life, I’m sure many can relate, I am no longer interested in many of the things I once was, I don’t behave or speak how I have in the past. Learning from myself and all of my cringy moments has been a process to say the least. #growth …Right?
One thing that has been a key component in my life is my conscience.
The consciousness of my conscience dictates a good amount of the decisions I make, if not all.
There are some decisions that are just ‘spur of the moment’ , rapid-fire responses or instant answers; are you cold/hot, is it raining and so on.
I am referring to conscious decisions. Decisions that are made with thought. Activities that are repeated frequently enough to be considered conscious decisions and actions.
I am referring to conscious decisions. Decisions that are made with thought. Activities that are repeated frequently enough to be considered conscious decisions and actions.
Cue personal relatability moment:
I previously worked for a company for several years. Despite workplace semantics, I really thought I enjoyed or would even say I loved my job.
Perhaps motivated by becoming proficient in what I was doing for the company, receiving awards, recognitions and bonuses etc.
Looking back now, I was not truly happy.
General employment etiquette; a person will come in and work their way up in a company, as they do, they are let in on little secrets, back-door or under-the-table policies and otherwise behind the scenes information on how things work in the company.
In any position, and at most companies, this comes with the territory right? More trust comes with more responsibilities.
As no conscience is fully alike, some are able to progress in a company and fall right in line behind their predecessors without missing a beat. Continuing the same sanctimonious deeds sans regard, while others take major issue.
When does becoming in the know in the effort to bump shoulders with and ultimately become the upper echelon in a company or anywhere in life for that matter, get to be too much and have an effect on a person’s conscience?
A lot appears to depend upon monetary gain. So many are willing to overlook so much because the money is right.
At what true cost though?
Maybe it all goes back to how a person was raised?
A person’s morals and integrity?
What is believed to be true to a person regarding their actions?
When you know better you do better, right?
But that doesn’t always seem to be the case either. We see far too often, people who were thought to be model citizens falling from grace based on a poor choice.
It can happen to the best of us.
At what point will we begin to realize the things we participate in are reflections of us? May have lasting effects? I’ll even take it a step further, accumulate karma…
(that’s another discussion)
The way I see it; I’m not okay with working for a company that is doing any type of shady business. Despite the money I receive for my work. Despite not having a direct hand in the ill activities. Integrity is important.
This is where I differ from almost everyone that I know and a large chunk of society, unfortunately.
Think of it this way: A company makes clothing that has chemicals known, when handled, present a health hazard. Yet the company continues to have the clothes produced for them, because “the sales are great”. This company does not bother to inform employees making the clothes, or the customers buying them.
So let’s say you unknowingly take a job at the company, or purchase their products, who is responsible for the adverse effects from this company’s poor choices? Who could have done something about it, besides the people who were ‘in the know’?
Any person knowing this is taking place should take issue with this and attempt to do something about it. Right? From the many issues we are presented with daily in society, this is clearly not happening.
As I move through life, I am more and more conscious of the things that I buy into and support. I am looking into all of the companies that I do business with and making changes based on several things.
I am choosing to no longer support companies that employ workers below a living wage.
I am choosing to no longer support companies that have unsafe work conditions.
I am choosing to no longer support companies that I ultimately find any underhandedness in. Period.
It will be a long process to get there. A mission I have fully accepted.
When we begin to support companies that support society, that don’t have ulterior motives, that are providing services for the good of all over the companies cutting corners, selling faulty products and services, and being accepted because of a ‘brand name’, the world will start to look a lot different.
The majority of major household companies are downright disgusting in their dealings and it’s time we start to realize that and do something about it.
To each their own. This is my take and just a scratch at the surface.
Until next time..
⁂In Love
🪶Introverted Sage
Originally published at https://introvertedsage.substack.com.