The Bigger They Are
Society is like a stew. If you don’t stir it up every once in a while then a layer of scum floats to the top. ~Edward Abbey~
Great day!
I hope this post finds you well.
If not, stop what you are doing and smile! You may feel strange, but try it!
So much of what we experience seems to be blatantly orchestrated.
As more are beginning to notice that those in positions of power are playing a part, they are also realizing that choice; directs their life.
Every time you turn on the news, there is some controversial story pitting one group against another. Some articles may appear harmless, yet the sadomasochistic undertone is in most.
Reality shows us; apart from what we have been told is wrong and what is acceptable vs not acceptable, we actually have a lot more in common than we think.
Most just want to be accepted for who they are. Yet so much judgement is placed on us from the day we are born. To be, have, do and act a certain way based on the societal norms of our generation as well as familial and friend expectations can really diminish the individuality we were blessed with.
Just because our parents did something a certain way does not make it the right or only way.
Just because those who came before us did something a certain way also does not make it the right or only way.
Just because everyone is doing it doesn’t make it right or the only way.
A lot boils down to lack of acceptance of self.
~When we fully accept ourselves, we can accept others.~
I try not to concern myself with how another person is living their life.
If it has no effect on me or how I live my life, the concern is not mine. Just as I would expect no one to judge the way I choose to live my life. We are all here to learn, not play judge, jury and executioner of others’ lifestyle choices.
Personally, I have a hard time accepting a leadership that has more money for war, than investing in ways to prevent them.
I have a hard time accepting a leadership that continuously has blank checks for weapons and ways of destruction, yet confusion and loss of services for those most in need when it comes time to fund actual measures to end the poverty and destitution of life that we are plagued with.
I have a hard time accepting a leadership that knows of the wrongdoings of others yet can turn a blind eye, for whatever reason.
I have a hard time accepting a leadership that chooses to continue to let things play out when there is so much that can be done.
Rather than spending so much time judging and picking apart one another, we come together and start picking apart the system that was set up for and continues to devolve society.
This poem touches on just that.
Everyone has a time when they must answer for their actions. Be it this life, or the next. Be it to the individual, or someone close to them.
What we put out, returns to us always. We are always afforded the opportunity to meet ourselves.
A New Time is coming. I’m here for it!
The bigger they are
The harder they fall.
Doesn’t just apply
To the ones big and tall.
This is for those
Who sit on their hill.
Above all their poisons
And side-effected pills.
Creating the poverty
Then placing the blame.
Am I my brother’s keeper?
Who should really be ashamed?
The pot & the kettle
Throw stones in a glass house.
Stuffing their pockets
While others go without.
Famed debauchery.
Minds and money flow
Lost souls to fill their needs.
So who should be to blame
When the true misers are the famed.
Who’ve forgotten from where they came.
Watching them call out his name.
At the end of their days.
We’ll expose all their ways
And twisted power plays.
You’ll surely be amazed.
As they all fall from ‘grace’.
Thank you for taking the time to connect with my work.
⁂In Love
🪶Introverted Sage