There are two primary choices in life: to accept conditions as they exist, or accept responsibility for changing them. ~Krishna~
Great day!
I hope this post finds you well.
If not, stop what you are doing and smile! You may feel strange, but try it!
Read the original post here.
If you couldn’t already tell, I’m an Introvert. 🙃🫱🏽🫲🏽
Most days, I’d say far past the point of no return.
I have gotten so comfortable with this isolation period that I’ve been in and I kind of like it. 🫢🤭🤫
But these dreams and visions I have — remind me this path I was put on was only to be solo for so long.
Naturally, I’m a bit freaked out or apprehensive or maybe even a bit terrified. There’s also something in me secretly excited. Like in the background. (way back, but it’s there) This excitement must come from this knowing and remembering of what connection can foster, can breed, can create and can sustain.
This all ties into some of my initial posts; Dream, Feed throughout, and including one of the more recent, Vita Centrum. And these are all just the ‘tip of the iceberg’.
It’s the strangest and most exhilarating feeling knowing there are others out there with these same ideas, dreams, visions and feelings. It’s even more strange and exhilarating when you learn you can connect with and feel them despite your physical and geographical location.
Learning to let others in.
Guess it’s time for another lesson.
Lone Wolf never had many friends.
Learned connected is how we all win.
Tap root take hold of my pride.
This calling sure can’t be denied.
Humbled and I ask myself why.
Grace was granted and Love was applied.
~Introverted Sage~
Thank you for taking the time to connect with my work.
⁂In Love
🪶Introverted Sage