🪶Finding my way with writing and poetry.
With a connection to the occult from a young age, I am now starting to share my knowledge, services and experiences publicly, in an attempt to help heal this deep divide we are experiencing. The services I offer to the public are currently available on Fiverr.
I have a few blogs/newsletters and sites I share poetry and write on. My style is eclectic ranging from Spiritual to dark. From everyday experience to mystical encounters.
Thank you for being here!
Writing is healing. 💚Spread the Love💚 ▪️Support independent creators▪️ Connect with me on:
My Poetic Side: Introverted Sage All Poetry: Introverted Sage Poeticous: Introverted Sage Substack: Introverted Sage
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Inclined to support a Sage: Buy me a coffee! Check out my designs and buy some merch: Intsa Aesthetics