A Squirrel Named Monkey
Until man learns to respect and communicate with the animal world, he will never be able to know his true role on this Earth. ~Enzo Maiorca~
Read the full post here.
Great day!
I hope this post finds you well.
If not, stop what you are doing and smile! You may feel strange, but try it!
This post is a bit different.
I originally shared these posts here on my Tumblr.
I was doing laundry at my complex one day and I kept hearing little squeaks and squeal noises. I couldn’t tell where it was coming from, but I thought it was probably a baby bird that had fallen out of the nest and that it would be fine, the mother would find it.. something.
As I was finishing up for the day, my neighbor comes up to me and says.. “hey, um.. I know you like birds… something fell out of the tree over here but I don’t know what it is!” (I have 2 bird feeders outside of my apartment. Nothing spectacular, just a hummingbird feeder and one with food for most birds)
It was the funniest thing how she approached me, because what fell out of the tree was no bird lol. Her cat almost got it and she wasn’t sure what to do, so she figured because I ‘fed the birds’ I might know what to do I guess? 😂
So, she takes me back behind some rose bushes and the sweetest little thing was laying there, squealing and fighting for it’s life! It was being attacked by biting ants. The ants weren’t little fire ants, they were average sized ants not only biting but burrowing their head or something into its skin!
We get some towels to pick it up and clean off the biting ants, at this point we had no idea, what it was, it was so tiny! 🤗💚 We thought maybe a kitten or a puppy but the little mouth was so different.
While getting the ants off and looking at it more closely, a few more neighbors came up to see what was going on, and we realized it was a baby squirrel. 💚 Poor thing had been out there crying off and on for a while and must have finally crawled out of the bushes some. I could only hear it earlier.😔 The mother never came for it throughout the day. Now, we have picked it up, it may not come back for it.. What do I do?!?
Read the rest of this article here.